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Japanese Journal of Plant Science (日本植物学雑誌)

Volume 1 Number 1 2007



Mikihisa Umehara, Miho Ikeda, Hiroshi Kamada (Japan) Endogenous Factors that Regulate Plant Embryogenesis: Recent Advances (pp 1-6)

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Invited Mini-Review: In seed plants, embryogenesis is an important process to produce a new generation. It comprises three steps: establishment of organization as an embryo, accumulation of storage substances in the embryo, and acquisition of desiccation tolerance and seed dormancy. These steps are accurately regulated by many factors, including phytohormones, proteins, transcription factors, and other substances related to embryogenesis. The embryogenesis mechanism has been analyzed through biochemical, biological, and molecular approaches using embryo-defective mutants or somatic embryogenesis whose traits are similar to zygotic embryogenesis, both morphologically and physiologically. Appropriate auxin transport plays an important role in the formation of cotyledon and meristem during early embryogenesis. Some transcription factors (LEC1, ABI3, LEC2, and FUS3) that have been isolated from embryo-defective mutants are characterized as embryo-related genes. Among them, some transcription factors are related to phytohormone signaling. ABI3 and ABA regulate the expression of the LEA gene, whose proteins are accumulated during late embryogenesis. Also, LEC2 and FUS3 negatively regulate bioactive GA synthesis. On the other hand, some regulatory factors have been isolated and identified from culture medium during somatic embryogenesis. The factors are low molecular substances such as the phenolic compounds (4HBA, VBE and 4PMP) that inhibit somatic embryogenesis, or the peptidyl growth factor, PSK, which stimulates somatic embryogenesis. Here, we review recent findings of various factors regulating plant embryogenesis.


種子植物において、胚発生は次世代を作る重要な形態形成である。それには胚としての基本構造の確立、貯蔵タンパク質の蓄積、乾燥耐性獲得と種子休眠という大きく3つの過程が含まれ、植物ホルモン、タンパク質、転写因子など様々な物質によって精密に制御されている。これまで、異常な胚発生を示す変異体や種子胚に似た形態変化を示す不定胚形成系を用いて、胚発生のメカニズムについて調べられてきた。例えば、植物ホルモンでは、オーキシンの極性輸送が初期胚の子葉や分裂組織の発達に重要である。また、胚発生に関与する転写因子(LEC1, ABI3, LEC2, FUS3)のうち、LEC2, FUS3はジベレリンの生合成を負に制御し、ABI3はABAとともに後期胚発生中に作られるLEAタンパク質の合成を制御している。一方、不定胚の培養培地から胚発生を制御している物質が新たに単離されている。この総説では、植物の胚発生を制御する因子の最近の知見について紹介する。

Toshihiro Kobayashi, Masatomo Kobayashi (Japan) Cryopreservation of Cultured Plant Cells (pp 7-11)

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Invited Mini-Review: Undifferentiated cell cultures of higher plants are important genetic resources used extensively in cytological, physiological, and molecular biological studies. The development of a reliable and cost-effective method for the maintenance of cultured cells is required to minimize the risk of losing cell lines to disease, contamination, and technical errors, as well as the risk of changes in morphological, biochemical, and physiological properties of cultured cells by somaclonal variations. Cryopreservation in liquid nitrogen at -197°C is appropriate for this purpose. Recently, several research groups have established simple cryopreservation protocols that are suitable for routine laboratory use. The use of these protocols not only helps to secure against loss of cell lines, but also enables long-term maintenance of a large number of transgenic cell lines. However, the optimization of cryostorage conditions for each cell line is necessary for efficient cryopreservation. In this review, we describe recent advances in cryogenic techniques for the preservation of undifferentiated cell cultures and discuss the optimal conditions for the cryopreservation of different cell lines.



Masashi Yamamoto (Japan) Application of Fluorescent Staining of Chromosomes to Genetic Studies in Citrus (pp 12-19)

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Invited Mini-Review: The application of staining with the guanine-cytosine specific fluorochrome chromomycin A3 (CMA) of citrus chromosomes to genetic studies is reviewed. When CMA staining is performed, the existence of characteristic CMA banding patterns with high levels of diversity and heterozygosity in citrus chromosomes is demonstrated. Similar CMA banding patterns have been observed in related species. Thus, CMA banding patterns of chromosomes have been considered to provide very important information for phylogenic studies in citrus. Chromosomal identification of citrus has also progressed rapidly by means of the CMA banding method. Chromosomes exhibiting the same CMA banding pattern were separated and classified using the relative sizes of fluorescent bands as indices. All nine chromosomes of haploid citrus were identified by this method. Analysis of the chromosomal configuration of parental materials and their progeny was efficient for genetic improvement in citrus. Characteristic chromosomes could be used as a marker for the parent-progeny relationship since these chromosomes are transmitted from the parents. In particular, CMA chromosome staining is a very powerful tool for ploidy manipulation. The advantage of using CMA staining is that the entire chromosomal configuration can be clearly observed at once.



Hiroaki Hayashi (Japan) Molecular Biology of Triterpenoid Biosynthesis in Glycyrrhiza Plants (pp 20-24)

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Invited Mini-Review: Licorice (roots and stolons of Glycyrrhiza plants, Leguminosae) is a well-known natural sweetener, and its sweet constituent is an oleanane-type triterpene saponin, glycyrrhizin. Cultured cells of G. glabra do not produce glycyrrhizin, but produce two structurally different triterpenoid constituents, betulinic acid and soyasaponins. Both glycyrrhizin and soyasaponins are oleanane-type triterpenes, and glycyrrhizin is localized exclusively in the woody parts of thickened roots and stolons, whereas soyasaponins are localized mainly in seeds and rootlets of G. glabra. On the other hand, betulinic acid, a lupane-type triterpene, is localized in the cork layer of thickened roots and stolons. To elucidate the regulation of the triterpenoid biosyntheses in G. glabra, cDNAs of three oxidosqualene cylaces, cycloartenol synthase, β-amyrin synthase and lupeol synthase, which are situated at the branching point of triterpenoid biosynthesis, were cloned and characterized. mRNA levels of the three oxidosuqualene cyclase were differentally regulated in cultured cells and intact plants of G. glabra. Exogenously applied methyl jasmonate (MeJA) stimulated soyasaponin biosynthesis in cultured cells, and mRNA levels of squalene synthase and β-amyrin synthase were up-regulated by MeJA. In contrast, mRNA levels of squalene synthase and β-amyrin synthase were down-regulated by yeast extract, which induced flavonoid biosynthesis in leguminous plants. These results suggested that the transcription of other enzymes involved in the late steps of saponin biosynthesis might be up-regulated by MeJA in the cultured licorice cells.



Kiyoshi Nagasuga (Japan) Characteristics of Biomass Productivity and Related Growth Parameters in Napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach.) (pp 25-29)

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Invited Mini-Review: Napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach.) is a tropical grass. It is well known among the herbaceous plants as a plant with very high biomass productivity. One of the features in biomass productivity is a significantly higher leaf area. In addition, the form of light-interception changes according to the growth stage. These synergistic effects largely contribute to a higher biomass production. On the other hand, napiergrass has a unique water transport system, which is likely to support lower root weight. This article mainly reviews knowledge of biomass productivity and related growth parameters, particularly water transport, in napiergrass.



Tadahisa Higashide (Japan) Soilless Culture on Sloping Land (pp 30-35)

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Invited Mini-Review: In many parts of Japan, it is too hot in the summer to produce tomatoes in the greenhouse. An advantage of sloping fields in hilly and mountainous areas is that tomatoes can be grown in both summer and autumn. On hillside fields, tomato plants are commonly grown under rain shelters in which every row is covered by plastic sheeting because it is difficult to build a pipe-frame greenhouse, which is popular in Japan. However, exposed plants are sometimes damaged by wind, rain and pests. To avoid this problem, a sloped greenhouse was developed. The sloped greenhouse is typically made of inexpensive steel pipes which are frequently used as scaffolding in construction sites. To avoid problems such as lifting soil up and soil-borne diseases, when growing tomatoes on hillside fields, a soilless culture system suitable for use on sloping land was developed. In this system, in order to stop drainage from the lowest drip line, a type of drip tube providing drainage that would shut off below a certain pressure as well as check valves were inserted into the line. To save costs of installing and running the system, fertilizer injection and supply of nutrient solution to the plants were powered by water pressure only. We investigated the effects of installing a soilless culture system and a sloped greenhouse on tomato production. Tomato yields in a sloped greenhouse with the soilless culture system were exceedingly higher than those under conventional rain shelters. To test the effectiveness of such a greenhouse system during the winter season, the forcing culture of blueberry was investigated.



Yoshiko Hashimoto (Japan) Drins Residue in Tokyo Soils and Regulation against Soil Pollution in Japan (pp 36-41)

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Invited Mini-Review: Dieldrin is an organochlorine insecticide and one of 12 chemical substances known as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). In Japan, aldrin and dieldrin were first registered in 1954, and used on farmland for 22 years until 1975 when the registration lapsed. Although dieldrin has not been used for 30 years, it remains in cucumbers at levels exceeding the tolerable limit for pesticides even today. Soil samples were obtained from 814 farms in Tokyo in 2002. Dieldrin residue was detected in 85 soil samples at concentrations ranging from 10 ng/g dw (dry weight) to 2600 ng/gdw. In this review, the actual residual level of dieldrin in Japan is compared with that in some other countries. In addition, although there is no tolerance for pesticide residue in soil, Japanese regulation against soil pollution is summarized.


ドリン剤として総称されるディルドリン、アルドリン、エンドリンはいずれも有機塩素系殺虫剤であり、土壌残留性および作物残留性が高いことから、残留性有機汚染物質(POPs)に指定されている。これらの殺虫剤は、日本においては、1954年に最初の農薬登録がされ、1975年に登録失効するまでの22年間、農業生産の場で使用されていた。登録失効以降、使用されることはなかったが、今日においても、東京都内で生産されたキュウリ果実から残留基準値を超えるディルドリンが検出される事例がある。また、2002年に行われた東京都における土壌残留実態調査の結果では、東京都内の814農地のうち、85農地の土壌に10 ng/gー2600 ng/g乾燥重量の濃度で残留ディルドリンが検出されている。この総説では、今日の日本におけるドリン剤の土壌における残留濃度を諸外国の最近の残留実態と比較し、さらに、日本における土壌汚染物質に対する法制度について概説する。

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