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Japanese Journal of Plant Science (日本植物学雑誌)

Volume 1 Number 2 2007



Hiroshi Yakushiji, Akira Nakatsuka (Japan) Recent Persimmon Research in Japan (pp 42-62)

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Invited Review: This review attempts to introduce the results of recent findings in the areas of genetics and new released cultivars, tree and fruit physiology, new cultural practices with the use of a horizontal trellis or a central leader training grown in container, applications of plant growth regulators for labor-saving and high quality fruit production, heating plastic houses for advanced shipping, humidity control and chemical treatment for shelf-life elongation after harvest of Japanese persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) in Japan. Other research trends focus on methods related to biotechnology and molecular biology for the classification of persimmon cultivars and their relatives, for breeding programs including ploidy manipulation through tissue culture, genetic engineering, DNA markers linked to the trait of fruit astringency, for understanding physiological changes including ethylene production, fruit softening, tannin accumulation and deastringency mechanism in persimmon fruit after harvest. In addition, we will discuss the potential use of health-promoting benefits such as tannins for preventing hangovers or the presence of vitamins.



Hinako Takehisa, Tadashi Sato (Japan) Stress, Physiological and Genetic Factors of Rice Leaf Bronzing in Paddy Fields (pp 63-68)

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Invited Mini-Review: Leaf bronzing, a nutrient disorder in paddy fields, can strongly depress rice growth and grain yields in severe cases. Studies using hydroponic or pot culture have clarified its cause as nutritional stress, e.g., Fe2+ or Mn2+ excess, and Zn2+ deficiency. According to complex genetic factors, rice cultivars widely exhibit various tolerances to nutritional stress: The rank order of cultivars’ leaf bronzing shown in excess Fe2+ hydroponic cultures does not necessarily correspond to that of cultivars in Fe2+ excess fields. Furthermore, leaf bronzing does not occur in excessively saline hydroponic culture, but brown spots occur on leaf blades of some lines in saline-flooded paddy fields. Therefore, leaf bronzing occurring in fields might be induced by other stresses and genetic factors aside from stress in hydroponic or pot culture. These facts indicate that studies of hydroponic and pot cultures are insufficient to elucidate physiological and genetic factors. This report reviews findings associated with physiological and genetic diversity for leaf bronzing in paddy fields, hydroponic cultures, and pot cultures.


イネの栄養障害の症状のひとつとして、葉身に褐色の斑点(Leaf bronzing)が発症することが知られている。これまで、Leaf bronzingの発症に関わるストレス要因、生理要因および遺伝要因について、水耕栽培やポット栽培を用い解明が試みられてきた。その結果、Leaf bronzingの発症には過剰鉄や過剰マンガン、亜鉛欠乏などのストレス要因が関与していることが明らかになり、その発症を制御する生理要因および遺伝要因が明らかにされてきた。しかし、水耕やポット栽培における過剰鉄や過剰マンガン下でもLeaf bronzingを発症しない系統が水田では発症するなど、室内で明らかにされてきた発症を抑制する機構が必ずしも野外の水田では機能していないことを示す結果も報告されている。この総説では、1950年代から現在にいたるまで明らかにされてきたイネのLeaf bronzingの発症に関与するストレス要因、生理要因および遺伝要因を紹介し、水田におけるイネの発症に関わる要因および機構を明らかにするための研究戦略を考察する。

Kiyoshi Fujii, Yuriko Hayano-Saito (Japan) Genetics of Durable Resistance to Rice Panicle Blast Derived from an Indica Rice Variety Modan (pp 69-76)

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Invited Mini-Review: Rice blast resistance of a quantitative nature with a weak expression for leaf blast and a strong one for panicle blast was found in Japanese rice cultivars ‘Tsukinohikari’ and ‘Asanohikari’ harboring the Rice stripe virus (RSV) resistance gene, Stvb-i, derived from an Indica cultivar ‘Modan’. These cultivars and their progeny cultivars have not shown any breakdown of resistance to rice panicle blast in farmers’ paddy fields located in different areas of Japan for more than 20 years from the dissemination of the cultivars thus far. A novel major gene, Pb1, conferred the “panicle blast resistance” in RSV-resistant cultivars. The Pb1 locus was mapped in the Modan-derived chromosomal region in the middle part of the long arm of chromosome 11. Pb1 and Stvb-i are linked to each other with a recombination value of 5.2+/-1.5%. These two genes had been incorporated into Japanese cultivars from ‘Modan’. Based on the linkage and graphical genotyping analyses revealed that RFLP marker S723 was the closest marker to Pb1 gene among the tested markers. The Pb1 gene does not confer any complete resistance with hypersensitive reactions, and the protective ability of the gene against rice panicle blast is sufficient for commercial rice production in Japan except in environments highly conducive to the disease. Since Pb1 is considered to be a gene conferring durable adult resistance, it is useful in rice breeding and is also an important gene in plant protection.


いもち病はMagnaporthe griseaを病原菌とするイネの最重要病害である。なかでも穂いもちの発生は収量減と品質低下に直結する。日本においてはいもち病に感受性の「コシヒカリ」および「コシヒカリ」近縁の良食味品種に作付けが集約しており、穂いもち被害を防ぐため、殺菌剤が予防的に広く使用されている。こうした現状のなか、品種の抵抗性を高めることがいもち病の被害を軽減し、農薬の使用を低減できる最も有効な方法である。この総説では、インド型イネ「Modan」からイネ縞葉枯ウイルス(RSV)抵抗性を導入した日本型品種(「月の光」、「朝の光」)が示す特異な穂いもち抵抗性に着目し、その抵抗性の特性,系譜,遺伝,安定性,穂いもち発病抑制効果についての解明を通じて穂いもち抵抗性遺伝子の育種利用への実用性を評価する。さらに分子遺伝学的手法を用いて抵抗性遺伝子の染色体上座乗位置を明らかにし、密接に連鎖するDNAマーカーを特定した最近の研究知見を紹介する。最後に、穂いもち圃場抵抗性育種を効率的に行うためのDNAマーカー選抜(MAS)システムの実用化と、実際にMASにより「コシヒカリ」に穂いもち抵抗性を付与した準同質遺伝子系統(NIL)「コシヒカリ愛知SBL」を開発した例を紹介する。

Shigeru Mitani (Japan) Chemical Control of Potato Late Blight in Japan (pp 77-84)

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Invited Mini-Review: Late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans (Montagne) de Bary is the most serious disease in Japanese potato cultivation. Heavy infection of foliages and tubers by this pathogen leads to severe losses of potato quality and yield. As a result, control strategies for late blight in Japan often rely on the application of fungicides. The total chemical treated area for potato late blight was 389,485 ha and 15 active ingredients including 55 formulations are currently registered for the control of potato late blight in April, 2007. Because of growing public concerns, a major focus has been placed on ways to protect the environment. Therefore, integrated management of potato late blight plays an increasingly important role for control in Japan. Fungicide use is the most effective measure and will be one of the best long-term solutions in the control of late blight. To meet current requirements such as high efficacy, cost reduction, labor reduction and environmental protection for disease control, new technology has been required. Efforts, such as trying to develop safer and more effective products, formulations, and spray techniques for the control of late blight will open the way for improved control of the disease. This paper reviews potato cultivation, late blight pathogen, potato cultivars, chemical application and fungicides for the control of potato late blight in Japan.


ジャガイモ疫病はPhytophthora infestans (Montagne) de Baryによって引き起こされる病害で日本のジャガイモ栽培において最も重要な病害のひとつである。本病の発病が激しい時は茎葉や塊茎が犯され、ジャガイモの収量や品質に大きな影響を及ぼすことから、殺菌剤散布に頼った防除が中心に行われている。日本におけるジャガイモ疫病の化学防除面積は389,485 haであり、2007年4月時点で15の活性成分と55の製品が登録されている。近年、環境保全に対する関心が高まっていることから、日本においても環境保全型防除の重要性が増している。殺菌剤処理は疫病防除に対して今後も最も有効な方法と思われるが、より高い防除効果、処理コストの低減、労働力の低減、環境保全を考慮した新しい技術が必要とされている。その実現のために、より安全で効果的な製品、製剤、散布技術などの開発が続けられている。本稿では日本におけるジャガイモ栽培、疫病菌、ジャガイモ品種、化学防除および殺菌剤についての概要を紹介する。

Shinya Nishimura, Shigeru Saito, Shinji Isayama (Japan) Pyridalyl: A Novel Compound with Excellent Insecticidal Activity, High Selectivity, and Unique Mode of Action (pp 85-94)

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Invited Mini-Review: Pyridalyl is a novel synthetic insecticide discovered by Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd. and has been developed globally as the trade names, Pleo®, or Sumipleo®. The compound is highly effective against various pests of Lepidoptera, Thysanoptera, Diptera and certain Acari, including resistant strains that are less susceptible or resistant to existing insecticides. The lepidopterous larvae treated with pyridalyl exhibited unique symptoms that were not observed with existing insecticides, suggesting the novel mode of action of pyridalyl. Intoxication study found that pyridalyl has a wide range of effective dosage, and thus the compound can provide an excellent anti-feeding activity against target insect pests. The laboratory and field experiments found that pyridalyl has an excellent selectivity between target insect pests and beneficial arthropods including pollinators, predators and parasitoids. In the cytotoxicological experiments using an insect cell line Sf9, the cytotoxicity of pyridalyl and its analogs on Sf9 cells were highly associated with the insecticidal activity against S. litura, indicating that the cytotoxicity of pyridalyl in Sf9 cells reflects its insecticidal action at least in part. The cytotoxicity study also found that pyridalyl displayed obvious cytotoxicity to Sf9 cells whereas it had no effect on a mammalian cell line CHO-K1, thereby high selectivity was observed even at cell-line level. These characteristics of pyridalyl would allow the compound to be one of the most powerful tools for controlling and managing pest insects under IPM- and IRM-based crop protection programs.



Hide Omae (Japan) Skiffing in Tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze): Constructive Changes of Tea Bush by Mechanical Skiffing and Yield Prediction (pp 95-102)

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Invited Mini-Review: Tea skiffing brings both advantages and disadvantages to tea production. The tree canopy and plucked ratio, as well as tea quality, yield and yield components can be controlled by skiffing. Tea skiffing, on the other hand, decreases the source of photosynthesis. Advantages of this trade-off and knowledge of how to manage it is required. A better tea canopy for tea production can be achieved by shallower skiffing, which contributes to better tea quality in the first crop and greater shoot weight in the latter crop. Development of top lateral buds in skiffed branches (SBs) is predictable from the daily mean temperature and day length. Tea yield of top lateral shoots is strongly associated with meteorological factors, and thus easily predictable from multiple regression equations using days after skiffing, accumulated daily maximum temperature, daily minimum humidity and accumulated solar radiation as independent variables. For predicting total yield, prediction accuracy increases when the number of flushed shoots, which is predictable from the number of SBs, is added into independent variables. This review paper clarifies the constructive changes in tea trees by skiffing and evaluates the importance of skiffed branches in the use of tea yield prediction.



Yuriko Osakabe, Nobuyuki Nishikubo, Keishi Osakabe (Japan) Phenylalanine Ammonia-Lyase in Woody Plants: A Key Switch of Carbon Accumulation in Biomass (pp 103-108)

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Invited Mini-Review: Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) is a key enzyme of phenylpropanoid metabolism and catalyses the first step from primary metabolism to secondary metabolism. The transcriptional activation of PAL genes is controlled during plant growth and development and by abiotic and biotic stresses. Recent studies of biochemical characterization of PAL isoforms suggest that PAL protein is posttranslationally modified and this regulation might module the PAL metabolic networks.



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