Volume 2 Number 1 & 2 2008
Number 1
Hidekazu Kobayashi (Japan) Ion Secretion via Salt Glands in Poaceae (pp 1-8)
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Invited Review: Salinity is a major constraint to plant growth. To adapt to saline environments, plants develop various mechanisms. One such mechanism is salt secretion via “salt glands”. Salt glands are specialized epidermal structures that occur on the shoots, and secrete salts transported into the shoots. Some plant species also release heavy metals via salt glands when they grow on heavy metal-contaminated soils. In addition to their contribution to salinity and heavy metal tolerance, ion secretion via salt glands plays a role in the circulation of elements (soil – plant – environment), and affects crop quality by changing their mineral concentration. The family Poaceae includes many important crops and forage grasses, and almost all Poaceae plants except for the subfamily Pooideae are believed to possess active or inactive salt glands. This paper describes diverse aspects of the phenomenon “ion secretion via salt glands in Poaceae” by focusing on recent studies.
Hongwei Cai (China/Japan), Wataru Takahashi (Japan) Genome Mapping and Molecular Breeding in Lolium and Festuca (pp 9-17)
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Invited Mini-Review: Of the 8 species in the genus Lolium, Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), is one of the most important cool-season forage grasses and is the most widely cultivated annual forage grass in Japan. Another important Lolium species is perennial ryegrass (L. perenne L.); it is cultivated mainly for forage and turf in the British Isles, Europe, USA, Australia, and New Zealand. Both Italian ryegrass and perennial ryegrass are outcrossing species, and each has a relatively large genome (1 C ≈ 2000 Mb). In recent years, many molecular markers, including amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers, simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, and expressed sequence tag (EST) markers, have been developed for Italian ryegrass and perennial ryegrass, and several types of molecular linkage map have been constructed. In addition, markers closely linked to genes for resistance to diseases such as crown rust, gray leaf spot, and bacterial wilt have been identified. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for flowering time, winter hardiness, forage quality, and other important traits have also been analyzed. In this paper, we review recent progress in genome mapping and QTL analysis in Lolium spp. We also include studies on tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) and meadow fescue (F. pratensis Huds.), two species closely related to Lolium.
Lolium属の8草種の中でイタリアンライグラス(Lolium multiflorum Lam.)は最も重要な寒地型牧草の一つであり、日本で最も広く栽培されている一年生牧草である。Lolium 属の中でもう一つ重要な草種であるペレニアルライグラス(L. perenne L.)は主にイギリス、ヨーロッパ大陸、アメリカ、オーストラリアおよびニュージーランドで牧草や芝草として栽培されている。イタリアンライグラスとペレニアルライグラス両草種ともに他殖性で、比較的大きいゲノムサイズ(1 C ≈ 2000 Mb)を持っている。最近では数種類の分子マーカー、例えば、増幅断片長多型(AFLP)、制限酵素断片長多型(RFLP)、単純配列反復(SSR)およびEST(expressed sequence tag)マーカーが両草種において開発され、それらを用いた連鎖地図も作製されている。加えて、冠さび病、いもち病および青枯病(bacterial wilt)等病害抵抗性遺伝子に緊密に連鎖する分子マーカーも検出されている。さらに、開花期、越冬性、飼料品質およびその他の重要形質の量的形質遺伝子座(QTL)解析も行われている。ここではLolium属におけるゲノムマッピングおよびQTL解析の最近の成果についてまとめる。また、Lolium 属に近縁の二草種、トールフェスク(Festuca arundinacea Schreb.)およびメドウフェスク(F. pratensis Huds.)についてのゲノム解析の成果も紹介する。
Hisashi Kato-Noguchi (Japan) Allelochemicals Released from Rice Plants (pp 18-25)
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Invited Review: Rice has been extensively studied with respect to its allelopathy as part of a strategy for sustainable weed management. Rice plants possibly release allelochemicals into the neighboring environment or the rhizosphere because they inhibit the growth of several plant species when rice and these plants are grown together. A large number of compounds, such as phenolic acids, fatty acids, indoles and terpenes have been identified in rice root exudates and decomposing rice residues as putative allelochemicals which possess growth inhibitory activity against neighboring plant species. Thus, these compounds may play an important role in defense mechanism of rice in the rhizosphere for competition with invading root systems of neighboring plants. This paper summarizes the compounds released from living rice plants and decomposing rice residues, and discusses their possible involvement in rice allelopathy.
Kae Miyazawa (Japan) Reducing Tillage and Fertilization in Humid, Temperate and Cool Temperate Regions (pp 26-29)
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Invited Mini-Review: Conservation tillage systems often promote germination and initial growth of crops on Andosol (fine volcanic ash soil), a predominant soil type in Japanese upland fields. Three main mechanisms are apparently responsible for better performance of seedlings under conservation tillage than under conventional tillage: stable soil water content facilitates crop germination and establishment; nitrogen accumulation at the soil surface promotes nitrogen uptake and growth of seedlings; and an undisturbed network of hyphae created by preceding cropping promotes the inoculum potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Based on these findings, a new tillage method and cover cropping systems were developed which improve not only seedling performance but also crop yields. Improved fertilization efficiency attained using these systems can reduce external input in both tillage and fertilization.
Number 2
Rieko Shishido, Mayumi Ishidaira, Kazunari Nomura, Hiroshi Ikehashi (Japan) QTL-Based Analysis of Heterosis for Grain Shape Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) (pp 30-34)
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Invited Mini-Review: To analyze the genetic basis for an enhanced level of heterosis in an intersubspecific rice hybrid, the heterozygotes and homozygotes at each locus should be compared. A set of BC1F1, i.e., indica/japonica//japonica and indica/japonica//indica, were produced and analyzed with simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers to specifically compare the effect of heterozygotes and homozygotes at each QTL locus for grain shape. Rice grain shape traits have shown an extremely wide diversity. In this review, we discuss QTL-based analysis of heterosis for grain shape traits. In the comparison of marker genotypes of AA, Aa and aa, QTLs were detected either between AA and Aa or between Aa and aa, and there is no case in which Aa was superior to AA and aa. In both analyses, each positive effect was contributed from either one of the parents. We concluded that the high level of heterosis in the current indica/japonica hybrids was manifested by a cumulative partial dominance effect of the heterozygotes at many loci and not by overdominance. Then, the set of QTL data for positive effects are considered to be systematically utilized in breeding of parental lines by using molecular markers.
Naotaka Furuichi, Kazutoshi Yokokawa (Japan) PiP Elicitor and Suppressor from Phytophthora infestans Regulate Ca2+-Dependent Protein Kinase (CDPK) in the Plasma Membranes of Potato (pp 35-38)
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Original Research Paper: The relationship between the effect of Ca2+-dependent protein kinase (CDPK) domain-III peptide-antibodies (Abs) raised against CDPK from Arabidopsis thaliana on the hypersensitive response of plant cells was investigated. The effect of peptide elicitor (PiP) and suppressor glucans from Phytophthora infestans on the kinase activity of membrane protein (MP) from potato (R1 gene) was investigated. Stimulation of the kinase activity of the MP with CDPK-Abs but not with pre-immune sera was assumed to be caused by the interaction with CDPK suggesting the presence of the kinase in the MP. It was assumed that the interaction of kinase domain-III peptide-Abs with CDPK in MP might have disengaged the active site of CDPK resulting in an increase in the kinase activity of MP. The PiP and suppressor from P. infestans inhibited the kinase activity of MP, which contained CDPK-Abs. It was suggested that PiP and suppressor might have interacted with the active site resulting in the inhibition of the CDPK activity of MP. We suggest that PiP and suppressor may interact with CDPK of MP initiating the signal, which, in the case of PiP, leads to the occurrence and/or inhibition of HR.
Ca2+ 依存型タンパク質キナーゼ(CDPK)キナーゼドメインIIIのペプチド抗体(CDPK-Abs)を作成し、ジャガイモの過敏感反応における役割を検討した。疫病菌の生産するペプチドエリシター(PiP)および過敏感反応抑制因子であるグルカンサプレッサーのCDPKキナーゼ活性における影響を生化学的活性測定により評価した。CDPK-Absは、添加によりジャガイモ細胞膜中のCDPK活性を高めたが、非免疫抗体は影響しなかった。このことはまた、細胞膜中にCDPK-Absが認識する抗原の存在を示唆する。本実験結果は、CDPKキナーゼドメイン(I-XI)中でもドメインIIIが、CDPKキナーゼの活性の調節にかかわる事を示唆した。PiP とグルカンサプレッサーは、CDPK-Absによるジャガイモ細胞膜CDPKの活性化を阻害した。これらの結果は、細胞膜CDPKの活性部位にPiPあるいはグルカンサプレッサーが直接作用する可能性を示唆した。PiPエリシターとグルカンサプレッサーは、CDPKと相互作用を行い、過敏感反応の誘導あるいは阻害作用をCDPKによる調節を介して行うことを示唆した。
Gul Hassan (Pakistan), Muhammad Azim Khan (Canada), Khan Bahadar Marwat, Anwar Nawaz (Pakistan), Saima Hashim (Japan) Efficacy of Some Forest Species Extracts on Wheat and Two Major Weeds in Arid Zone of NWFP (pp 39-42)
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Original Research Paper: Studies were undertaken in the Weed Research Laboratory, Department of Weed Science, NWFP Agricultural University, Peshawar, Pakistan to investigate the allelopathic potential of aqueous extracts of the leaves of Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC. and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. the bark of Acacia arabica (Lam.) Willd. The concentrations studied included 0, 50, 100 and 150 g L-1 (w/v). A check, tap water (0 g L-1) was also included for comparison. The dry plant materials were ground and soaked for 24 hours in water. Ten seeds each of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell.), wild oats (Avena fatua L.), and wild safflower (Carthamus oxyacantha (Co. Cr.)) were used. Inhibition varied in all the species tested for all parameters studied, but it affected germination percentage most. C. oxyacantha was the most inhibited species, whereas wheat was the most tolerant. Only 20% of C. oxyacantha seeds as compared to the respective untreated check germinated when exposed to E. camaldulensis at 150 g L-1. All other concentrations of P. juliflora and E. camaldulensis severely inhibited germination of C. oxyacantha. Inhibition of seedling length and biomass was observed at higher concentrations of P. juliflora and E. camaldulensis. A. arabica was the weakest species in terms of its capacity to inhibit the growth parameters of all three test species. These findings reveal that the allopathic potential of the effective species could be exploited for weed management in wheat due to the tolerance of wheat and susceptibility of its related weeds to the extracts.
パキスタン、ペシャワールのNWFP農業大学雑草科学科雑草研究室において、Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC. および Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. の葉およびAcacia arabica (Lam.) Willd.の外皮から得られた計3種の水溶性抽出物を用いてアレロパシー活性試験を行った。植物体をそれぞれ乾燥・粉砕し、0, 50, 100 および150 g L-1 (w/v) の各濃度にて24時間水に浸漬し抽出液を得た。比較対照として水道水(0 g L-1)を用いて濃度依存性を調べた。生物試験にはコムギ(Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell.)、野性エンバク(Avena fatua L.)、および野生サフラワー(Carthamus oxycantha (Co. Cr.))の3種の種子を各10粒ずつ用いた。その結果試験植物ごとに、また指標となる全ての試験項目において差異がみられ、中でも発芽率に最も高い影響が認められた。サフラワーが最も強く水溶性抽出物による阻害を被るとともに、逆にコムギが最も高い耐性を示した。E. camaldulensis の抽出液150 g L-1に暴露した場合、サフラワーの発芽率は非処理区と比較してわずか20%にまで低下した。またP. juliflora および E. camaldulensis 抽出液では試験した全ての濃度においてサフラワー種子の発芽に対し著しい阻害活性を示し、幼植物体の伸長および新鮮重の増加の阻害が高濃度域で観察された。A. arabicaの抽出液では生物試験に用いた植物全3種の各成長指標において最も弱い阻害効果を示した。上記の抽出液に対しコムギが耐性を示し、他方コムギ栽培に影響する雑草種が感受性を示したところから、有効なアレロパシー活性を示す植物種を用いて、コムギ栽培における雑草管理技術の開発がなされる可能性があることが明らかとなった。
Kei Shimoda, Eriko Kimura, Hatsuyuki Hamada, Hiroki Hamada (Japan) Production of Curcumin Oligosaccharides by Glycosylation with Parthenocissus tricuspidata (pp 43-45)
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Original Research Paper: Curcumin was converted into its oligosaccharides by cultured Parthenocissus tricuspidata cells-catalyzed glycosylation. In addition to curcumin 4'-O-β-glucoside (9%) and curcumin 4',4''-O-β-diglucoside (14%), two curcumin oligosaccharides, i.e., curcumin 4'-O-β-gentiobioside (16%) and curcumin 4'-O-β-gentiobiosyl-4''-O-β-glucoside (3%), were isolated from P. tricuspidata cells treated with curcumin.
ウコン(Curcuma longa Linn.)に含まれるcurcuminは、Parthenocissus tricuspidata培養細胞が触媒する配糖化により、オリゴ糖誘導体へ変換された。Parthenocissus tricuspidata培養細胞は、curcuminとインキュベートすることにより、curcuminを4'-O-β-glucoside(9%)と4',4''-O-β-diglucoside(14%)の他、二種類のオリゴ糖である4'-O-β-gentiobioside(16%)と4'-O-β-gentiobiosyl-4''-O-β-glucoside(3%)へ変換する能力を持つことが明らかとなった。
Katsu Imai (Japan) Edible Canna: A Prospective Plant Resource from South America (pp 46-53)
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Invited Mini-Review: Edible canna (Canna edulis Ker-Gawl.) is a prospective monocotyledonous plant originated and domesticated in the Andean region and now cultivated in widely scattered locations from subtropical to tropical regions of the world without intensive improvement. The growth habit of this plant is perennial, although its actual life cycle is 7 to 12 months depending on the location of cultivation. The underground organ (rhizome) accumulates substantial starch and is used for foodstuffs such as noodles and biscuits. Investigations on physicochemical properties of edible canna starch are in progress but its utilization has not yet been generalized. The aboveground parts grow up to 3-m tall with large elliptical leaves and occasionally they are used for feeding livestock. Stems initiate and grow from rhizomes directly without branching. Wild plants of this species are seen on the edges of moist thickets so that they grow well on moist soils with a large quantity of mineral nutrient absorption. Photosynthetic characteristics indicate that edible canna is a C3 species adapted to a broad range of light environments and warm temperature and possesses a medium rate of net photosynthesis. After the middle growth stage, stands of edible canna maintain a high leaf area index with a moderately high crop growth rate and its potential productivity is equivalent or superior to that of cassava and potato. However, scientific analytical studies and intensive cultivation practices are limited at present. In this review, the author introduces edible canna’s history, morphogenic characteristics, photosynthesis, dry-matter and starch productivity and utilization and points out the need for multidisciplinary studies toward the future development.
食用カンナはアンデス地域起源の多年生単子葉草本で,積極的な改良はほとんど受けることなく,熱帯・亜熱帯各地で小規模に栽培されている。栽培期間は地域により異なり,7~12ヶ月である。根茎はデンプンを含み,その物理的・化学的性質の研究は進んできたが,抽出されたデンプンの用途については,麺類やビスケットの類を除きまだ一般化されていない。高さ3 m にも達する茎葉部は家畜の飼料となる。楕円形の大型の葉を着生する茎は根茎から生じ,分枝はしない。この植物の野生型は自生地では湿気のある林縁に見かけられ,栽培型も多湿の土壌を好み,旺盛に無機養分を吸収する。また,光合成の面からは,多様な光環境と温暖な気候に適応した,中庸な純光合成速度を有する陽生のC3植物である。生育後期の個体群は高い葉面積指数を有し,良好な個体群成長速度を維持することができ,キャッサバやジャガイモに匹敵またはそれを上廻る生産能力を有しているものと考えられるが,科学的な解析研究や集約栽培上における知見がごく限られている。この総説では,食用カンナの来歴,形態形成に関わる特徴,光合成,乾物およびデンプン生産能力,利用の側面等について紹介し,多面的研究開発の必要性を指摘した。 |