Volume 3 Special Issue 1 2009
Plant Science in Iran

How to reference: Haghparast R, Rahmanian M, Roeentan R, Rajabi R, Khodadoost F, Micheal M, Grando S, Nader-Mahmoudi K, Mohammadi R, Salehinia Z, Tavasol N, Ceccarelli S (2009) Review on participatory bread wheat breeding program in Kermanshah, Iran under rainfed condition: Importance, opportunities and challenges. In: Mohammadi R, Haghparast R (Eds) Plant Science in Iran. Middle Eastern and Russian Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 3 (Special Issue 1), 1-4
Guest Editors
Reza Mohammadi, Reza Haghparast
Dryland Agricultural Research Institute (DARI), Iran

Reza Haghparast, Maryam Rahmanian, Ramazan Roeentan, Rahman Rajabi, Farshid Khodadoost (Iran), Micheal Micheal, Stefania Grando (Syria), Kouresh Nader-Mahmoudi, Reza Mohammadi, Zari Salehinia, Nahid Tavasol (Iran), Salvatore Ceccarelli (Syria) Review on Participatory Bread Wheat Breeding Program in Kermanshah, Iran under Rainfed Condition: Importance, Opportunities and Challenges (pp 1-4)
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Mini-Review: Farmers and researchers have been isolated from each other for decades. But, now both groups realize the limits of conventional varietal selection in research stations, the quality of products grown, and their adaptability to target areas and to agricultural systems. Conventional plant breeding has mostly benefited farmers in high potential environments and those who can afford inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides and have access to water. The poorest farmers who cannot afford to change their fields through the application of additional inputs get left behind. As a consequence, low yields, crop failures, malnutrition, poverty, and eventually famine are still affecting a large proportion of humanity. Working in partnership with farmers to develop varieties adapted to the conditions they face in participatory plant breeding (PPB) programs can help to overcome these problems. This paper describes the main aspects of a PPB program, the related aspects of variety release, variety adoption and seed production, and the results obtained with a PPB program applied to rainfed bread wheat in Kermanshah province, Iran.
Naser Alemzadeh Ansari (Iran), Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva (Japan), Najmeh Yazdani (Iran) Effect of Onion Set Size and Cultivar on Production of Green Bunch Onion (Allium cepa) (pp 5-9)
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Original Research Paper: At the end of winter and early spring in Iran, when there are fewer bulbs, green onion (Allium cepa) can be a suitable substitute for onion bulb. In order to determine the effect of bulb size (diameter) and cultivar on growth and yield of green onion, an experiment was conducted in 2005-2006 using three cultivars: eRamhormozif, eBehbahanif and ePrimaveraf. Two size sets based on initial bulb diameter were used: small (< 1.5 cm in diameter) and large (diameter = 1.5-2.5 cm). A number of criteria were measured at harvest, following the growth of these different sized bulbs, several of which showed significant differences. Particularly noticeable was the enhanced production of vegetative and reproductive organs in plants derived from larger bulbs. eRamhormozif and eBehbahanif showed the highest and lowest yield, respectively while eRamhormozif and ePrimaveraf had the longest and shortest bolt stems, respectively. eRamhormozif is thus most suitable as a green onion while ePrimaveraf is ideal for bulb production.
Ali Akbar Moayedi, Amru Nasrulhaq Boyce, Syed Shahar Barakbah (Malaysia), Masoud Ghodsi (Iran) The Effects of Different Levels of Osmotic Stress on Germination and Seedling Growth in Promising Durum Wheat Genotypes (pp 10-14)
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Original Research Paper: A study was carried out to compare the appreciable differences between various durum wheat genotypes during the germination and seedling stages. Twenty promising spring durum wheat genotypes were tested under four (0.0, -0.3, -0.6 3 and -0.9 MPa) osmotic stresses conditions laid out in factorial experiments based on a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications. Osmotic potentials were produced using different concentrations of polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) at 20C. Results revealed that all the recorded traits were significantly (P<0.01) affected by osmotic stress treatments. There were remarkable decreases in germination percentage, coleoptile, root and shoot length, shoot dry weight, seedling dry weight with increasing osmotic stress. However the germination rate showed a slight increase under low osmotic stress condition. The highest germination percentage was 93.5%, observed in D1 (control) treatment whilst the lowest (42%) was seen in the D4 (-0.9 MPa) treatment. Furthermore, root dry weight, root to shoot length ratio and root to shoot dry weight ratio also increased under low osmotic stress, although severe osmotic stress caused a sizeable decrease in their values. The genotypic effects on germination percentage and rate were highly significant (P<0.01), whilst its effects on coleoptile, root length and root dry weight were significant (P<0.05). Genotype four (G4) exhibited the highest germination percentage (84.17%) whilst G17 showed the lowest value (62.92%). Correlation studies amongst the different traits showed that the highest correlation coefficient was between seedling dry weight and shoot dry weight (r = 0.96), whilst the lowest value was between germination rate and root to shoot dry weight (r = - 0.13).
Ali Akbar Moayedi, Amru Nasrulhaq Boyce, Syed Shahar Barakbah (Malaysia), Masoud Ghodsi (Iran) Tillering Behaviors of Promising Durum wheat Genotypes and Bread Wheat Cultivar under Different Water Deficit Conditions (pp 15-19)
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Original Research Paper: Water supply is the most important factor determining final production and crop yield. Hence, limitation of water during growth and development stages can cause different changes in plant components. In this sense, tiller production and survival are recognized as the main factors in final plant production affected by water deficit and other environmental stresses. For this purpose, the present study was carried out to study the tillering behavior of four durum wheat promising lines and a bread wheat cultivar under four irrigation regimes. A combined analysis of variance revealed that the effect of irrigation regimes were highly significant (P < 0.01) on total number of tillers, number of fertile tillers and tiller survival percentage. Besides, genotypic effects were highly significant on total number of tillers and significant (P < 0.05) on the number of fertile tillers and tiller survival percentage. The interaction effect of irrigation regimes ~ genotype was highly significant for total number of tillers and significant for the number of fertile tillers and tiller survival percentage. The results showed that the most susceptible stage affected by water deficit was from one-leaf to floral initiation (D2), which recorded a decrease in the number of the fertile tillers. On the other hand, Chamran bread wheat and durum wheat (RASCON_37/BEJAH_7) exhibited the highest values for the total and fertile tillers while durum wheat (GARAVITO_3/RASCON_37//GREEN_8) produced the lowest value for all the tilling traits under D2 treatment. There was a strong positive relationship between the number of fertile tillers and tiller survival percentage. In addition, the number of fertile tillers also indicated a positive association with total number of tillers and finally grain yield.
Reza Mohammadi, Mostafa Aghaee, Reza Haghparast, Sayyed Saeid Pourdad, Mozafar Rostaii, Yousef Ansari, Abdolvahab Abdolahi (Iran), Ahmed Amri (Syria) Association among Non-parametric Measures of Phenotypic Stability in Four Annual Crops (pp 20-24)
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Original Research Paper: This work was investigated to find interrelationships and similarities among 10 non-parametric phenotypic stability and wide adaptability measures derived from grain yield of 15 durum wheat genotypes, 20 bread wheat genotypes, 13 barley and 16 safflower genotypes which were grown in 12, 18, 18 and 18 environments during 2003-2006 cropping seasons, respectively in Iran. Results of nonparametric tests of Genotype-by-environment (GE) interaction and a combined ANOVA across environments indicated the presence of crossover and non-crossover interactions, and grain yield of genotypes varied significantly. According to rank correlation analysis the 10 non-parametric methods, in four set of crop trials, can be categorized in three groups: the methods are not correlated with mean yield and can be define in the sense of homeostasis. This group consisted of the statistics S1(i), S2(i), S3(i) and NP1(i); those which positively correlated with mean yield and are related to dynamic concept of stability were comprised the TOP and rank-sum (RS) parameters. The third group influenced simultaneously by grain yield and stability included the measures S3(i), S6(i), NP2(i) NP3(i) and NP4(i). This study verified that the statistics Si(2), RS and TOP give sufficient information about the stability performance and adaptability of the studied genotypes in each crop to breeders.
Goodarz Najafian (Iran) Drought Tolerance Indices, their Relationships and Manner of Application to Wheat Breeding Programs (pp 25-34)
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Original Research Paper: Terminal moisture stress in irrigated wheat farms causes a significant reduction in quantity and quality of grain yield in Iran. In order to identify wheat varieties tolerant to late season shortage of water, and also to find how drought resistance indices should be applied in screening practices, this study was performed in a temperate region wheat breeding program of Iran for irrigated wheat. In this study 291 advanced breeding lines and cultivars of hexaploid wheat were planted in two field trials, one under normal irrigation and another one under water deficit. The normal trial received 6 times furrow irrigation from 3rd May until 21st June, while the water stressed trial received only one irrigation in spring at the anthesis stage. Drought resistance indices including stress susceptibility index (SSI), tolerance index (TOL), mean productivity (MP), stress tolerance index (STI) and geometric mean productivity (GMP) were calculated for all investigated entries. Correlation coefficients among these indices were calculated and interpreted. STI and GMP were found to be the better indices than the other three for screening drought tolerant wheat varieties in breeding programs. In spite of this, the STI value was still significantly affected by higher yield in one of the normal or stressed conditions. To overcome this inefficiency a 2-step screening strategy was applied. At first grain yield in both conditions along with STI was used for clustering of evaluated genotypes to ensure grouping of genotypes based on high yield in both environments and a higher STI value. Using this method, approximately four genotype groups (A, B, C and D) were determined, which led to the selection of 50 desired genotypes. Then SSI index was used to reselect the more drought tolerant genotypes. This method led to a final selection of 33 breeding lines. This strategy is proposed to be applied in wheat breeding programs whose objective is drought tolerance.
Seyyed Saeid Pourdad, Abdol Ali Ghaffari (Iran) Comparison of Parametric and Non-Parametric Yield Stability Measures and their Relationship in Spring Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) in Warm Dry-Lands of Iran (pp 35-40)
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Original Research Paper: The genotype ~ environment interaction and estimation of phenotypic yield stability have been widely used by plant breeders in different crops during the past four decades. Nine advanced spring rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) genotypes were tested at nine environments in warm dry-lands of Iran in 2003 and 2004. The phenotypic yield stability estimated through 20 parametric and non-parametric measures to assess G ~ E interactions. The objectives of present study were to identify stable rapeseed genotypes and the relationships among parametric and non-parametric stability parameters. The result of Spearmanfs rank correlation showed strong positive correlation between mean yield and superiority index (Pi) and geometric adaptability index (GAI) moreover there were negative significant correlation between mean yield and all non-parametric stability statistics except NPi(1). The results of biplot of first two principal components revealed five groups. The group I including Pi and GAI which were strongly and positively correlated with mean yield and integrated both yield and stability. Selection based on these stability parameters is related to the dynamic or agronomic concept of stability. The environmental variance (S2xi) and all non-parametric measures except NPi(1) were included in group IV that negatively correlated with mean yield. Selection of stable genotypes based on this group is related to the static or biological concept of stability. The group II was intermediate between group I and Group IV and influenced by both yield and stability simultaneously. The group III including only coefficient of variation (CVi) that was intermediate between group II and IV. The group V included IPCA2 and S2di that was intermediate between group IV and I. According to harsh conditions and high fluctuations of warm dry-lands of Iran genotypes G4, G2 and G9 can be selected as stable and high yielding cultivars.
Ahmad Shahlaei, Naser Alemzadeh Ansari, Sasan Aliniaifard (Iran) Osmopriming Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) Seeds by Using Salt Solutions (pp 41-43)
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Short Communication: The time for germination and seedling emergence of eggplant is relatively long. To overcome this problem, osmopriming eggplant seeds with salt solutions (NaCl, KNO3 and K2HPO4) at tree levels (-0.5, -1 and -1.5 MPa) was tested. The effect of solution type on germination percentage (GP), germination rate (GR) and mean germination time (MGT) was significant (P < 0.01). The effect of salt solutions on GP was as follows: KNO3 > NaCl > K2HPO4 > control (distilled water). The highest and lowest values for GR and MGT were observed in NaCl (0.5 MPa) and distilled water (control). Also, the effect of solution concentration on mean root length (MRL) (P < 0.05) and MGT (P < 0.01) was significant but no significant differences for any other treatments were shown.
Elias Amri, Ali Reza Shahsavar (Iran) Foliar Acids Control Iron Chlorosis in Orange Trees (pp 44-46)
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Short Communication: Different foliar treatments were applied to evaluate the recovery of iron chlorosis of sweet orange trees (Citrus sinensis L. cv eDarabif grafted on Citrus aurantifolia L.) grown on a calcareous soil. The treatments were Fe (II) sulfate (500 mg Fe/L), sulfuric acid (200 mg/L), citric acid (1000 mg/L), nitric acid (1000 mg/L) and distilled water as a control. A non-ionic wetting agent was used in all treatments. Results shown that the use of frequent foliar sprays alleviated Fe chlorosis in orange trees. Sprays of Fe(II) sulfate increased the leaf chlorophyll and Fe content, and improved fruit quality compared to control trees. Sprays of citric acid also increased leaf chlorophyll and Fe concentrations and improved fruit size and quality. Sprays of nitric acid also increased leaf chlorophyll content and fruit size, but did not affect fruit quality. Sprays of sulfuric acid alone slightly increased leaf chlorophyll and Fe concentrations, without affecting fruit quality. These results suggest that foliar acids sprays with and without Fe could help to avoid yield and quality losses caused by Fe chlorosis in citrus orchards. Furthermore, these treatments could be done with relatively cheap materials such as solutions containing Fe (II) sulfate.
Ahmad Ahmed, Mahmoud Abd El-Baky, Abdalla Ghoname, Gamal Riad, Samir El-Abd (Egypt) Potato Tuber Quality as Affected by Nitrogen Form and Rate (pp 47-52)
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Original Research Paper: Field experiments were conducted to investigate the performance of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. eValorf in relation to three different nitrogen (N) fertilizer forms (ammonium sulphate, (NH4)2SO4, urea, CO(NH2)2 and ammonium nitrate, NH4NO3) and four N fertilizer rates (130, 180, 230 and 280 Kg N/feddan; 1 feddan (fed) = 4200 m2) on the growth, yield and tuber quality of potato plants. Increasing N fertilizer rates up to 230 Kg N/fed enhanced vegetative growth as expressed by plant length, leaf number and area, plant fresh and dry weights, and leaf chlorophyll content. The same increase in N fertilizer rates significantly increased tuber number/plant, tuber yield (g)/plant, total tuber yield (ton/fed), marketable tubers (%) and tuber N content (%). On the other hand, the highest N rate (280 Kg N/fed) decreased all of the above-mentioned plant growth characters and yield. Furthermore, % protein content of tubers tended to increase with increasing N fertilizer rates while tuber dry matter (%), P (%), K (%), specific gravity and starch contents decreased with increasing N fertilizer rates. Using NH4NO3 significantly increased vegetative growth characters, leaf chlorophyll content, tuber yield/plant, total tuber yield (ton/fed), specific gravity and tuber starch content followed by (CO(NH2)2 then (NH4)2SO4. There was no significant effect of N source on the tuber number/plant, N, P and K and protein content. It could be recommended that using N fertilizers in the form of NH4NO3 at a rate of 230 Kg N/fed gave the best growth characters, yield and % marketable tubers while using 130 Kg N/fed of the same source of N fertilizer gave the highest of tuber quality characters as expressed by specific gravity and % starch content.
M. Mahmoud A. M. Ahmed, A. Abd El-Moniem A. Eman, M. Mahmoud M. M. Abd El-Migeed (Egypt) Effect of Garlic Extract and Mineral Oil Spray on Flowering, Harvesting Time, Yield and Fruit Quality of Peach (Prunus persica) Trees cv. eFlorida princef (pp 53-57)
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Original Research Paper: This investigation was carried out during two successive seasons on six years-old peach trees cv. eFlorida princef grown in the Nubaria district, Behera Governorate, Egypt, to study the effect of garlic extract and mineral oil spray on flowering, harvesting time, yield and fruit quality attributes. Trees were sprayed once at the dormant bud stage after winter pruning (mid-November) to run-off with 1, 2 and 4% (v/v) of garlic extract and 2% mineral oil alone or in combinations. The following data was determined: flowering time (full bloom), harvesting percentage at 5-day intervals with four harvests, yield, average fruit weight, volume, and diameter, fruit firmness, percentages of seed/fruit and flesh/fruit weight, total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), total sugars, total chlorophyll and anthocyanin contents. 4% garlic extract advanced full bloom by 20 and 16 days, increased yield by about 57 and 37% and also advanced the beginning of harvest time by about 5 and 10 days than the control in the first and second seasons, respectively. Fruits obtained from trees sprayed with 4% garlic extract had the heaviest and largest fruits with the highest TSS and the lowest TA than other treatments in both seasons.
Soleman Mohamed Al-Otayk (Saudi Arabia) Impact of Biofertilizers Application on Improving Barley (Hordeum vulgare) and the Presence of Dehydrin Genes (pp 58-61)
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Original Research Paper: Two field experiments were conducted during two successive seasons, 2006-2007 and 2007-2008, to investigate the effectiveness of biofertilizer treatment i.e., plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria species (Azospirillum brasilense, Azotobacter chrococcum, and Klebsiella pneumoniae), chemical fertilizer and their combination on four barley (Hordeum vulgare) cultivars. These cultivars showed a characteristic response under different fertilizer treatments. In general, eSahrawyf and eKSU 101f produced the highest grain yield. eKSU 101f gave the highest harvest index (43.3%) in the second season. Also, eKSU 102f and eKSU 101f had more grains per spike. The application of nitrogen alone (at 200 kg N ha-1) and biofertilizer treatment (a mixture of three growth-promoting nitrogen-fixing rhizobacteria) significantly increased grain yield and grains per spike of all four barley cultivars. SSR markers for the amplification of dehydrin genes revealed the presence of two dehydrin genes (HVDHN7 and HVDHN9). eSahrawyf had homologous dehydrin genes and produced higher grain yield.
Hassan M. Emara, Mostafa M. El-Shamy, Mahmoud A. Swelim, Mohammed A. Gad (Egypt) Antigenic Relationship between Two Bio-Agents and Pathogenic Fusarium semitectum Using Two Serological Techniques (pp 62-64)
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Research Note: Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is an important crop cultivated successfully worldwide and in Egypt, which could be infected by Fusarium sp. Fungicides are generally used to control this pathogen. Nowadays, Trichoderma spp. and Pseudomonas fluorescens are used as biocontrol agents. In this study, a serological technique was carried out to explain the interaction between Trichoderma viride, P. fluorescens and the pathogenic fungus Fusarium semitectum using crossed-immunoelectrophoresis (CIE) and double diffusion reaction (DDR). In homologous reactions, the antigenic structures of F. semitectum, T. viride, and P. fluorescens were 7, 5 and 4 precipitin bands in CIE, while 2, 2, and 3 precipitin bands were detected in DDR, respectively. In heterologous reactions, antigens of T. viride electrophoresed against antibodies of F. semitectum gave two common bands between them in either of the used methods while P. fluorescens antigens gave only one common precipitin antigen when electrophoresed against antibodies of the pathogen using both methods. This clearly indicated that T. viride was able to recognize to the pathogenic fungus F. semitectum, which showed more common antigens.
Mahmoud El-sayed Ottai, Abd El-Rahman Mohamed Fawzy Al-Ansary, Essam Ahmad Hassan Mostafa (Egypt) Impact of Adaptation on Wild Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) Genotypes (pp 65-68)
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Research Note: Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. (Asteraceae) grows in the Egyptian desert. It is an important medicinal plant due to the presence of silymarin, which used as an active ingredient in the treatment of various liver diseases. The plant is exposed to gathering processes, which may lead to extinction. Therefore, 10 wild genotypes were selected from the desert and variability of seven quantitative characters was studied in situ, where genetic differences were evaluated between genotypes. Moreover, the wild harvested seeds were cultivated for two successive adaptive seasons in 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 in an improved environment (agricultural old clay land) to study the impact of environmental changes (ex situ) on the genetic character expression of genotypes. Highly significant differences existed among genotypes for all characters in both adaptive seasons, confirming the different genetic backgrounds of these genotypes. These characters had improved in the improved environment. Total silymarin content varied among genotypes. There was little variation in protein bands in the adaptive process.