Volume 3 Special Issue 2 2009
Nanotechnology I
How to reference: Jahanshahi M, Mehravar R (2009) Protein Nanoparticles as a Novel System for Food Science and Technology. In: Jahanshahi M (Ed) Nanotechnology I. Dynamic Biochemistry, Process Biotechnology and Molecular Biology 3 (Special Issue 2), 1-11
Guest Editor
Mohsen Jahanshahi
Babol University of Technology, Iran

Mohsen Jahanshahi, Rabeah Mehravar (Iran) Protein Nanoparticles as a Novel System for Food Science and Technology (pp 1-11)
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Invited Review: In recent years, the concept of controlled release of encapsulated ingredients at the right place and the right time has become of more and more interest to the food and pharmaceutical industry. A timely and targeted release improves the effectiveness of food additives, broadens the application range of food ingredients and ensures optimal dosage, thereby improving cost-effectiveness for the food manufacturer. Incorporation of bioactive compounds – such as vitamins, probiotics, bioactive peptides, antioxidants, etc. – into food systems provide a simple way to develop novel functional foods that may have physiological benefits or reduce the risks of diseases. This review focuses mainly on potential applications of protein nanoparticles in the food industry, which may equally be applied in the feed industry.
Rabeah Rawashdeh, Yousef Haik (USA) Antibacterial Mechanisms of Metallic Nanoparticles: A Review (pp 12-20)
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Invited Review: Given the slow approval rate for new antibiotics and the inability of current antibiotics to fully control bacterial infection, it is obvious that there is a great demand for unconventional biocides. Metallic nanoparticles, another possible route for fighting bacteria, should be considered. Metallic bactericidals have been in use for several years as external sanitizers and disinfectants and have shown biocidal effectiveness against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, as well as against fungi. The mechanism of interaction of these metallic biocides includes protein membrane damage, production of superoxide radicals, and ions release that interact with the cellular granules and form condensed molecules. This article presents a review of the metallic nanoparticles antimicrobial mode of interaction against bacteria.
Anubhav Kaviratna, Apurva Shah, Shailendra Singh Rao, Rinti Banerjee (India) Pulmonary Surfactant Nanostructures and their Implications (pp 21-32)
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Invited Review: A surface active material that lines our lungs is referred to as pulmonary surfactant (PS) and consists of a self-assembled complex of nanostructures (NSs) rich in phospholipids (PLs) and proteins that lie at the air-liquid interface of the pulmonary alveoli. It serves a very critical function during respiration by dynamically modifying surface tension. It is responsible for the attainment of near zero surface tension at the end of expiration. PLs are assisted by surfactant proteins to form lamellar bodies of 500 nm to 1-2 µm in size, nanotubes of 2-5 nm height, monolayer films of domain heights of 0.8 to 5 nm and multilayered stacked reservoir phases during the surfactant life cycle. During respiration, the PL molecules present in the surfactant film undergo molecular rearrangement to alter surface tension and maintain high lung compliance. Destruction or absence of PS and/or the above mentioned NSs can occur due to genetic variations, direct or indirect lung injuries and lead to many respiratory diseases. Surfactant NSs, their composition and the packing of the surfactant monolayer are altered in diseased states. Transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy are useful techniques to evaluate pulmonary NSs and confirm their alterations in diseased states. Drug-loaded nanoparticles (NPs), when delivered in the respiratory system, first interact with pulmonary surfactant. These interactions can alter drug release, residence time and cellular interactions of the NPs. Similarly, pulmonary surfactant also influences the cellular response and toxicity of respirable environmental fine particles. This review describes the various nanostructures formed by PS, the interactions NPs with PS and their implications.
Deepti Dyondi, Rahul Lakhawat, Rinti Banerjee (India) Biodegradable Nanoparticles for Intra-articular Therapy (pp 33-41)
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Invited Review: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic degenerative joint disease characterized by progressive loss of articular cartilage which leads to severe pain and restricted mobility in the patients. Age, excessive joint loading, or sports injury are the factors known to increase the risk of joint degeneration thus leading to OA. Many techniques have been employed in OA therapy but none of them has given satisfactory results in long term. Oral drugs have the disadvantage of having several side effects such as gastrointestinal problems, heart attack, and stroke associated with them. Surgical techniques lead to significant donor site morbidity. Intra-articular (IA) injections of hyaluronic acid (HA), glucocorticoids, have shown symptomatic relief but none of these treatments have been able to show disease modifying effects to an appreciable extent. Nanostructured drug delivery systems using liposomes and nanoparticles (NPs) can be administered as IA injections for sustained release and increased local concentrations of drugs in arthritis. A liposomal formulation of dexamethasone palmitate is currently available for IA drug delivery. Several other NPs of chitosan and biodegradable synthetic polymers like PLGA are in the developmental stages for delivery of steroids, NSAIDs and clodronate. This review highlights some of the promising nanostructured drug delivery systems for IA therapy, the issues involved in developing such systems and the future potential of such therapies for degenerative and inflammatory joint diseases.
Karishma Fernandes (USA), Yousef Haik (USA/United Arab Emirates) Detection of Peanut-Specific IgE using Functionalized Nanoparticles (pp 42-47)
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Original Research Paper: The diagnosis of patients with clinically reactive food allergies is extremely crucial and remains a challenge for all allergists. The current technology available to diagnose the presence of peanut-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) are highly invasive, expensive, time consuming and need trained personnel and specialized equipment for the test to be conducted. In this study we present a new technique for detecting the presence of peanut specific IgE by coating allergens on magnetic nanoparticles. Upon the isolation of the peanut specific IgEs from the sample, a colorimetric detection is utilized to assess the severity of the allergy. To evaluate the feasibility of the new technique, the functionalized particles were utilized to detect the presence of peanut specific IgE in 50 µl plasma of an allergic individual using only 100 µg of functionalized nanoparticles. Other evaluations were conducted in spiked plasma samples. The selectivity and sensitivity of the developed assay was highly specific for the peanut-specific IgE in plasma and more sensitive than conventional ELISA.
Alireza Badiei, Ismayil Haririan, Ali Jahangir, Ghodsi Mohammadi Ziarani (Iran) Incorporation of Ibuprofen into SBA-15; Drug Loading and Release Properties (pp 48-50)
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Short Communication: The development of mesoporous materials like SBA-15 offers new possibilities for incorporating biological agents into silica structures and controlling the release kinetics from the matrix due to its well-arranged pore architecture. These materials show significant mesoporosity associated with their hexagonally organized channels, narrow pore size distribution, and large surface area. Ibuprofen was selected as a model molecule since it is a well-documented and highly used anti-inflammatory drug. Furthermore, its molecular size (about 1.0 nm) is suitable for incorporation into the mesopores of the SBA-15 material (pore size is 4.6-10 nm). Mesoporous silica SBA-15 was prepared to evaluate its application as a carrier for Ibuprofen drug delivery. The loaded SBA-15 was characterized by thermo gravimeter analysis, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and N2 adsorption/desorption isotherm. The incorporation procedure resulted in a significant improvement of the amount of Ibuprofen loaded into SBA-15, and in vitro drug release was investigated.
Rabeah Mehravar, Mohsen Jahanshahi, Naser Saghatoleslami (Iran) Human Serum Albumin (HSA) Nanoparticles as Drug Delivery System: Preparation, Optimization and Characterization Study (pp 51-56)
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Original Research Paper: Nanoparticles have been developed as an important strategy to deliver low molecular-weight drugs, as well as biomacromolecules such as proteins or DNA. The body distribution of colloidal drug delivery systems was mainly influenced by two physicochemical properties namely particle size and surface characteristics. Particle size is a crucial parameter, in particular for the in vivo behavior of nanoparticles after intravenous injection. The objective of the present study was the preparation of human serum albumin (HSA) nanoparticle by desolvation method and optimization of nanoparticle by applying the Taguchi method together with characterization of the nanoparticle bioprocucts for drug delivery application. Several process parameters were examined to achieve a suitable size of nanoparticle such as pH, HSA concentration, organic solvent adding rate and the ratio of organic solvent/HSA solution. Taguchi method with L16 orthogonal array robust design was implemented to optimize experimental conditions of the purpose. This approach facilitates the study of interaction of a large number of variables spanned by factors and their settings with a small number of experiments leading to considerable saving in time and cost for the process optimization. As a result of Taguchi analysis in this study, pH and ratio of organic solvent/HSA solution were the most influencing parameters on the particle size. The minimum size of nanoparticles (53 nm) were obtained at pH 9, 75 mg.ml-1 HSA concentration, ratio of organic solvent/HSA solution of 4 and organic solvent adding rate of 1.5 ml.min-1. The mechanistic of the optimum conditions for preparing protein nanoparticles and their characterization as a drug delivery vehicles are discussed.
Melika Ebrahimpour, Mohamad Hassan Shahavi, Mohsen Jahanshahi, Ghasem Najafpour (Iran) Nanotechnology in Process Biotechnology: Recovery and Purification of Nanoparticulate Bioproducts Using Expanded Bed Adsorption (pp 57-60)
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Original Research Paper: In recent years developments in production of pharmaceutical and biotechnological products such as plasmid DNA (pDNA) as putative gene therapy vectors and protein nanoparticles as drug delivery vehicles have increased. In this study, a rapid and efficient scaleable purification protocol allowing obtaining concentrated, pure nanobioproduct was developed. However, expanded bed adsorption (EBA) of nanobioproducts was carried out and the dynamic binding capacity was calculated. The overall process yield of recovery of the nanoparticle bioproduct was more than 80%, which was a superior result in expanded bed chromatography. The generic application of expanded bed adsorption for the recovery and adsorption of nanoparticulate bioproducts is strongly indicated.
Mohsen Jahanshahi, Sayed Mahmood Rabiee, Roya Ravarian, Nima Nabian (Iran) Preparation and Characterization of Nano Bioactive Glass based on the CaO–P2O5–SiO2 System (pp 61-63)
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Research Note: Nano Bioactive glass material of the type CaO–P2O5–SiO2 was obtained by the sol-gel processing method. The obtained material was characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and surface electron microscopy. The bioactivity was examined in vitro with respect to the ability of a hydroxyapatite layer to form on the surface as a result of contact with simulated body fluid (SBF). The XRD studies were conducted before and after contact of the material with SBF.
Camila Bitencourt Mendes, Lucas Rossi Sartori, Arnaldo César Pereira, Mariana Gava Segatelli, César Ricardo Teixeira Tarley (Brazil) Assessment of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Paste Electrode for Square-Wave Adsorptive Cathodic Stripping Voltammetric (SWAdCSV) Determination of Methyl Parathion in Water Samples (pp 64-70)
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Original Research Paper: In this paper the assessment of an electrode composed by multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) dispersed in mineral oil as well as its application on the electrochemical determination of methyl parathion (MP) in environmental water samples by square-wave adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry (SWAdCSV) is described. The suitability of the electrode for this purpose was confirmed by comparing it to a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) and to a carbon paste electrode (CPE). A 7.1- and 3.4-fold increase of the signal, respectively, was achieved. In order to obtain the best performance of the method, significant factors were established by a factorial design and the method optimized by employing the Doehlert matrix. Based on these chemometric tools the following experimental conditions were selected: 7.95, 70 mV, 205 Hz and 0.3 mol L−1, respectively, for sample pH, PA, F and BC. A study of interferences was conducted through the addition of inorganic ions NO3-, SO42-, PO43- and Mn2+ during MP analysis and no interference was noted. The method presented a linear range between 0.56 and 18.00 µmol L-1 (r = 0.995), limit of detection (LD) of 0.15 µmol.L-1 and limit of quantification (LQ) of 0.49 µmol.L-1. The determination of MP on environmental spiked samples showed good recovery values and repeatability.
Foroogh Toubi, Mohsen Jahanshahi, Abas Ali Rostami (Iran), Solmaz Hajizadeh (Iran/Sweden) Voltammetric Tests on Different Carbon Nanotubes as Nanobiosensor Devices (pp 71-74)
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Original Research Paper: This paper addresses a recent advance in electrochemical pretreatment of carbon nanotube (CNT)-based nanobiosensors. The unique chemical and physical properties of CNTs have paved the way to new and improved sensing devices. CNTs which are produced by different processes, i.e. arc-discharge (ARC) in solution and/or gas and chemical vapor deposition (CVD), have different effects on sensors efficiency. Various samples of ARC-CNT and CVD-CNT were chosen herein and ARC-CNT anodic pretreatment resulted in a dramatic improvement in the electrochemical reactivity (cycle voltammetric tests in the range of 0.0 to 1.5 V). In contrast, CVD-CNT appeared to be resistant to the anodic activation based on their structure as well as purification. However, in a separate experiment, different samples of multi-and single-wall CVD-CNTs were compared. The high purity multi-walled CNT synthesized by ARC showed the best outcome on the electrochemical behavior of glassy carbon electrode when compared to the other samples.The generic application of CNT and the effect of its structure and purity as a nano biosensor for electrochemical responses are widely discussed.
Arnaldo C. Pereira, Alexandre Kisner, Cesar Ricardo T. Tarley, Nelson Durán, Lauro T. Kubota (Brazil) Determination of Phenol Compounds Based on Electrodes with HRP Immobilized on Oxidized Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes (pp 75-79)
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Original Research Paper: In the present work the development of an amperometric biosensor for phenol detection based on oxidized multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCToxi) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) is reported. The variables that exert influence on the performance of the biosensor response, including enzyme immobilization procedure, HRP amounts, pH, and working potential were investigated. Furthermore, the feasibility of the biosensor response for various phenol compounds was also investigated. The amperometric response for cathecol using the proposed biosensor showed a wide linear response range (1 to 150 µmol L-1), good sensitivity (53 µA cm-2 µmol L-1), excellent operational stability (after 200 determinations the response remained at 97%) and very good storage stability (lifetime > 3 months). The results were compared with HRP immobilized on graphite powder, highlighting the remarkable features of MWCToxi in the biosensor performance. According to these features, it is possible to affirm that the developed biosensor is a promising tool for phenol detection due to its good electrochemical response and enzyme stabilization. |